Shoes in the air

Next week Tuesday starts the biggest event of the year in my city, the International 4 Days Marches. This it will be the 100th time that this event is organised. Almost 50000 people have to walk 30, 40, 50 or 50 km everyday, depending on their age and gender. Most of the participants come from the Netherlands but there will also be thousands of walkers from 67 other countries. When you complete the 4 days you get a medal and a hero’s welcome at the finish on Friday.

In some streets in the city center you will find decorations like this.


Today I woke up a bit earlier then usual. Instead of waiting until it was time to go to office I left home also earlier. And decided to make some more photo’s at the university campus where also the office is.


Summer in Holland is not yet how it should be. Cool temperatures and lots of rain. At least the wild flowers are enjoying it. There seem be a lot of flowers in nature now.


It has been a while ago that I took new photo’s. Due to bad weather and other things. Today the weather was nice so I went to my new favorite spot. The island in the river in front of my city. For this image I used the Samsung 7.5mm fisheye lens. I cropped a bit from the bottom to remove some of the obvious distortion.